How To Use the SORT Function—Easy Tutorial

Today, we are going to learn the usage of the SORT function. The SORT function can help us to sort the rows and columns in a data range. Now, let’s check this out.


=SORT(array,[sort-index],[sort-order], [by_col]

Array: The range of cells that is to be sorted. (Required)

[sort-index]: The number of the specific row or column according to which you want to sort the table. (Optional; Default is 1)

[sort-order]: An integer denoting whether to be sorted in ascending order or descending order.

-1 represents descending order; 1 represents ascending order. (Optional; Default is 1)

[by_col]: A Boolean value indicating whether to be sorted through tows or columns. (Optional; Default is FALSE.)

Now, let’s take an example to have a better understanding.

Here is the sale table out of order.

We enter =SORT(A2:C20,3,-1) in cell E2 and press Enter key.

Now we get a new table in descending order.

If we change the 1 into -1, we’ll get a new table in ascending order.

Categories: Excel Tips