How to Paste Text in Word Without Format

When you copy some texts from Internet and want to paste them in Word document, the format could become a frustrating problem since those sentences from different websites usually come with different formats. To paste text in Word without format, you can try these tips in your document.

1. Paste without Format

Select the text you want to copy, press Ctrl+C.

Open your Word document, click Home and find Paste in the left.

Click the small arrow below it. Choose the 3rd icon, which is exactly Keep Text Only.

2. Clear the Format with One Click

Select the text, press Ctrl+Shift+Z to remove the format.

3. Remove All the hyperlink

The text copied from Internet may include more than one hyperlinks. To remove them, just select the content you want to reformat, and press Ctrl+Shift+F9.

Categories: Word Tips