How to Annotate Specific Words or Sentences in MS Word

Sometimes when you edit a document in Word, you may need to annotate a specific word, sentence or paragraph inside the page footer. But apparently you can’t achieve the ideal effect by typing the annotation directly. So, how to annotate a specific text in Word correctly?

1. First, open the Word document and select the text you want to annotate.

2. Switch to References tab and click Insert Footnote.


3. It will add a small superscripted number after the selected text, and also a corresponding number in the Footer. You can input the annotation here then.

4. If you continue to Insert Footnote, the superscripted numbers will increase accordingly. Each footnote corresponds to a superscript after the text.

5. If you want to remove a annotation in Word document, you just need to delete the superscripted number after the text. The footnote will be deleted together.

Categories: Word Tips