How to Use the YEARFRAC Function in Excel?

Date:2022-7-29 Author:Sandra

How time flies. Do you know how long has 2022 passed? There is a built-in function in Excel called the YEARFRAC function. so, let’s explain how to use the Excel YEARFRAC function.


=YEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, [basis])

start_date: This is the start of the period. It should be entered as a serial date, not a text date.

end_date: This is the end of the period. It should be entered as a serial date, not a text date.

[basis]: (optional) It is the basis used to calculate the year fraction. It can be one of the following values:

How to Use the YEARFRAC Function in Excel?

How to use the YEARFRAC function?

Let’s take an example.

How to Use the YEARFRAC Function in Excel?

Let’s take the basis as 1 here.

We can know that 2020 has passed more than a half.

And the YEARFRAC function returns a numeric value.


#NUM! error

 It occurs when the given basis argument is less than 0 or greater than 4.

#VALUE! Error

It occurs when the start_date or end_date arguments are not valid dates or the given [basis] argument is non-numeric.

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