标签:import data

  • How to Import Data From One Sheet To Another in Excel?

    时间:2021-12-9 作者:Sandra

    The following two pictures are Shee1 and Sheet2 from the same Excel workbook. Now we need to import the English scores in Sheet 2 into Sheet 1, but it can be seen from the figure that the names of Table 1 and Table 2 do not correspond one-to-one. So, how to quickly import data? Now […]

  • How to Import Data from HTML into Excel

    时间:2019-8-1 作者:Cordelia

    If you have some brilliant tables on your computer but not in Excel format, can you import the data from them to Excel directly? In one of my previous post I’ve introduced how to convert TXT to Excel. Here I’d like to share the tip of importing the data from HTML to Excel as well. […]

  • How to Import Data from TXT to Excel

    时间:2019-7-30 作者:Cordelia

    Not all the people are used to organize information with Excel all the time. Sometimes we already have the data recorded in Word or TXT and want to import them to Excel for convenience and intuition. How can we convert all the text content into a table? The first step is organizing the data in […]