归档: 2019 November 11
2 Effective Methods to Enter the Safe Mode of Windows 10
Normally, entering the safe mode of computer can fix some common problems and system failures. But the old method of pressing [F8] when starting up the computer seems not working anymore in Windows 10. So, is there any other way to enter the safe mode? In Windows, the safe mode is integrated in the Troubleshoot module, so you can not […]
How to Record Slide Shows in PowerPoint
In previous post, I’ve already shared the tip to insert video in PPT presentation. You can also make a recording of slide shows, then it becomes a video that your audience can watch in PowerPoint after the it has been presented. So how can we achieve it? Here’s a simple guide. 1. Open your PPT […]
How to Show or Hide Ruler in PowerPoint
If you want the content to line up properly, then ruler is an important tool in PowerPoint. By default, it is turned off when you first open PPT presentation. So how could we turn the ruler on or hide it when not needed? In this post, I will share some simple methods. Method 1: View […]