Are you looking for one software to help you send emails in bulk? Someone may say that just need to save these email addresses into a group and then mail them. Come on, every email platform can do this, but the prerequisite is that you allow all the content of emails is the same. Suppose you need to send various bills to different customers, or even you send the same invitation, but the names are different.
In fact, Excel can help us to send emails in bulk. Without further ado, let’s check this out.
Here is a list of recipient information.

Pretend we need to send an email to Marry like this:
Dear Marry,
How’s your life in Chicago? I miss you so much.
Wish you Merry Christmas.
So the email templet would be :
Dear {Name},
How’s your life in {Address}? I miss you so much.
Wish you Merry Christmas.

And each email comes with a gorgeous Merry Christmas card as below.

Now come to the most important part of this tutorial.
You can just copy this code into your Excel.
Public Sub sendEmailByOutlook()
Dim mailList As Range, email As Range, mailContent As String, mailTemplate As String
Set mailList = ActiveSheet.Range(“B2:B13”)
For Each email In mailList
mailTemplate = ActiveSheet.Range(“F2”).Value
mailContent = VBA.Replace(mailTemplate, “{name}”, email.Offset(0, -1).Value)
mailContent = VBA.Replace(mailContent, “{content}”, email.Offset(0, 1).Value)
With CreateObject(“outlook.application”).CreateItem(0)
.To = email.Value
.Subject = “Merry Christmas”
.body = mailContent ‘
.attachments.Add (email.Offset(0, 2).Value)
End With
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue(“0:00:03”))
MsgBox “Send Successful!” & vbCrLf & “Time:” & Timer – t & “Second”, vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

We can also insert a rectangle to run this code more convenient.
Just right-click it and click on Assign Macro.

Now when you click on the rectangle, the macro would run at once. Even if you need to send a mass email of over 1000, this method can still be done quickly.
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