Microsoft Excel tutorial, Excel tips, basic Excel formulas, Excel functions, Excel tricks

Categories:Excel Tips

  • 2 Tips of How to Switch Between Multiple Worksheets Quickly in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2020-2-9 Author:Olivia

    While dealing with many worksheets at the same time, you will certainly need to switch between them. If you know how to switch between multiple worksheets quickly, it could definitely save a lot of time and avoid possible mistakes. Here I’ d like to share two tips of it. Tip 1. Switch Windows in View […]

  • How to Create a Pie Chart in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2020-2-8 Author:Cordelia

    Pie chart is one of the most common used charts in Excel. It’s often used in market share analysis, market occupancy analysis and some other occasions since it can express the proportion of each area intuitively. The way to insert a pie chart in Excel is much like the method of making a line chart, […]

  • How to Move a Chart in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2020-2-5 Author:Olivia

    I’ve shared the tip of how to create a histogram in previous post, but you might have a situation that other sheet need the same chart. When there is too much data, reworking the chart can be a waste of time. Is there a solution? Here I’d like to give a simple guide of how […]

  • How to Insert a Radar Chart in Microsoft Excel

    Date:2020-2-4 Author:Olivia

    We’ve already shared the tip of how to insert line chart, pie chart and histogram in Excel, but sometimes they cannot meet the needs of data analysis. Here is another type——radar chart, which is equivalent to a parallel coordinates plot, with the axes arranged radially, and also a useful way to display multivariate observations with […]

  • 2 Methods to Close All the Active Excel Workbooks at Once

    Date:2020-1-18 Author:Cordelia

    There are many ways to close an Excel window after finishing editing. But if you opened too many workbooks out of work needs, saving and closing them one by one becomes an annoying task, especially when you finish a whole-day-long work and just want to go home as soon as possible. In this case, it’ll […]

  • How to Insert a Tick or Cross Symbol in Microsoft Word

    Date:2020-1-15 Author:Cordelia

    A tick or a cross symbol can help to clarify your point in Word document, but apparently there are no corresponding keys on the keyboard. So you must take some steps to insert them just like type other special symbols. Here I collected some effective methods, you can choose any one of them to insert […]

  • How to Insert Curly Braces in Microsoft Word and Excel

    Date:2020-1-14 Author:Cordelia

    To satisfy certain requirements, you may need to insert some curly braces into Word document or Excel spreadsheet. But in addition to regular curly braces, sometimes the curly braces with customized size that can contain several lines of text are also needed. In this post, I’ll introduce 4 commonly used methods to insert both regular […]

  • How to Split Text from One Cell into Multiple Cells in Excel

    Date:2020-1-5 Author:Cordelia

    Sometimes you copy some texts to Excel with the intention of splitting them into multiple columns, but it turns out that all the texts were put into the same column. To rearrange them manually is a heavy work. So how could you split the content into two or more cells in Excel without cutting and […]

  • How to Use SUM Function in Excel

    Date:2020-1-1 Author:Cordelia

    Comparing to input a huge amount of data into a table and try hard to calculate the total amount by yourself or with a calculator, Excel itself can do a better and quicker job to calculate the summation automatically. It’s called SUM function. 1. To make use of it, select the cell you want to […]

  • How to Hide and Protect the Formulas You Used in Excel

    Date:2019-12-28 Author:Cordelia

    As the work requires, you may send your Excel spreadsheet to other people at times. It means they can not only view the data, but also click any cell to check the formula it contains, or even modify it without your permission. To keep that from happening, you can try these steps to hide and […]